Visual artist and industrial designer.
His work focuses on the creation of kinetic sculptures, three-dimensional organic surfaces and sculptures, moving image devices and in general to explore the common grounds between Design, Sculpture, Installation and Visual arts. Just closed his first solo show at the Mexico City Museum called “El Paisaje Mecánico” (The Mechanical Landscape) a kinetic sculpture project. This same project was awarded with a grant for the program Fomento a Proyectos y Coinversiones Culturales by FONCA in 2019, Young Creators grant in 2017 and during 2016 he was grantee for PAPIAM, granted by CENART.
He has worked with different artists creating mechanisms and structures for light and scenography installations and intervention of musical instruments. In 2017 he joined Redonda Libre, an artistic laboratory on board a sailboat.
Co-founder of Colectivo Luz y Fuerza :: Expanded Cinema. A multidisciplinary team that experiments with light, technology and space. His work has been presented in Mexico and aboard in places like the Ágora of UAQM in Montreal, the Ex-convento del Carmen in Guadalajara, CENART, Espectro Electromagnético and el Quinto piso in Mexico City.
His work explores the concepts of space, time, growth, limits and surfaces in order to create moving image devices and sculptural machines. Given the manual manufacturing, his pieces are quite imprecise which allow them to have the character of accepting entropy as part of their lives. Unpredictable, in lots of cases they never end in the same way as they were conceived and on times they are constantly transforming until the end.
photos by Alejandro Marra and Eduardo Ambrosi.